Special Applications


Manure Extraction for Stables

NESTRO Lufttechnik has developed and patented a new system for mucking out that helps you to keep your horse stable clean easily. A horse generates per day, at least, up to 50 kilogrammes of horse dung. We simply extract the dung and deliver it directly to the location where you want to have it: In a hanger, in a pit, in a roofed storage depot or directly to your fermentation plant.
When designing your system please take into consideration that the interim storage for manure should be established only in very special cases, e.g., as a short-term solution up to the completion of sufficient storage capacity or with cramped space. As a rule the period of storage may not exceed 6 months. In water protection areas zone 1 and 2 as well as in flood areas storage is forbidden in general, in zone 3 as a rule inadmissibly. Here the respective protective area orders are to be followed.
So you can easily keep your stables clean in a fast way and avoid the bacterial spread with irregular purge. Since the regular cleaning of the boxes is important for the health and the well-being of your horses.


Filter systems for orthopedics

In the sector of orthopaedic engineering machine tools are used for a lot of different materials – from the funnel milling machine and face-grinding machine, to the box column drill and the band saw. It is good if one has a single provider only who knows a lot about the filtration of all these different materials and material dimensions. NESTRO Lufttechnik is working for more than 40 years in the extraction and filter technology business for many industries and, hence, disposes of an extensive knowledge to ease your daily working routine. We care about clean air in your workshop and prepare filtered dust and chips for an easy disposal.
There are fume, dust and chips – all of them hazardous - from different materials like wood, thermoplastic resin, fibre reinforced material, titanium as well as alloys of steel and aluminium in the everyday prosthetist’s treatment. Besides, gases and vapours evolve from the processing of hardeners, adhesives and synthetic resins which also should not be inhaled. The use of a respirator is not always sufficient and comfortable only in rare cases when working at cutting, sawing, lathing, drilling, grinding and buffing machines, or with welding, gluing or punching tools. Even modern 3D-printing can produce an unpleasant odour.

Ventilation for Shooting Galleries

All around the world there are hundred thousand shooting clubs with more than a billion members as well as shooting galleries for the police, the armed forces and guarding and protection companies. Still today many of these galleries are not equipped with an adequate ventilation and air conditioning technology to protect shooters against intoxication in a sufficient manner. NESTRO can support you competently solving this problem for you. We are experts using the principle of air displacement in optimum filter technology as well as in heat and air-conditioning technology. We would like to advice you and your shooting gallery experts here with great pleasure and in all detail.
Supply and exhaust air systems with integrated filter media and air heaters can be built up space-saving either on the roof or at an outer wall of the shooting gallery. We calculate for you whether your existing heating installation can be used for the heating of the filtered fresh air or whether you need an add-on solution for the year-round operation. We individually dimension every system on the basis of the necessary aerial speed of 0.25 m/s taking into account the air volume required according to your spatial conditions. And your NESTRO system is freely scalable. Regarding new buildings you can involve us already in the planning phase with pleasure, because you can further optimise the airflow with particular layouts of the shooting gallery.

This is how the NESTRO Extraction System Works
  • Turn on the system
  • Open the cover of the suction socket
  • Shake off loose the picked up horse dung - it is simply extracted into the piping
  • The dung is extracted through the pipeline into the cyclone to be separated there
  • The material can be separated using a rotary valve to deposit it wherever you need it to

Please let one of our competent area sales managers advise you.

Holger Boin

Holger Boin

Beratung & Verkauf Norddeutschland

Thomas Heger

Thomas Heger

Beratung & Verkauf Süddeutschland, International

Video Horse Manure Extraction (german)

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Our product and system assortment features
  • Stand filters with different removal systems (e.g. bagging; briquetting; container feed)
  • Active extraction of sanding and modelling dust for the manual and custom-fit shaping (e.g. extraction of sanding tables with a constant dust extraction)
  • Room ventilation designs for the extraction of airborne particles for an energy economic and healthy working process (grinding and modelling stands)
  • Extraction of vapour from manual assembly workplaces using adhesives for a solvent-free environment
  • Mist extraction for single installations or complete rooms in spatterwork applications

Please let one of our competent area sales managers advise you.

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Your advantages at a glance
  • Individual system design for minimum operating costs
  • Connection of the heat exchanger to your heating installation
  • High availability
  • State-of-the-art clean and draft-free shooting conditions
  • Easy change of filter media

Please let one of our competent area sales managers advise you.

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